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Public Announcement

The AQ Austria has been notified pursuant to § 27 HS-QSG of the degree programme Master of Science in International Management offered in Austria by The University of Buckingham in strategic cooperation with IBS International Business School. The degree programme has been listed in the AQ Austria's directory of the notification procedures pursuant to § 27 paragraph 6 HS-QSG (website of AQ Austria).

If the notification should be revoked by the Board of AQ Austria any time in the future, the degree programme will no longer be offered in Austria.

With the notification decision of the foreign degree programmes no equivalence with Austrian degree programmes and corresponding Austrian academic degrees is connected. The degree programmes and academic degrees are considered to be those of the educational institution's country of origin or country of domicile.

Please find the complete report at the homepage of AQ Austria on the 5th page in this link: https://www.aq.ac.at/P27MAS_Reports/Report/ErgebnisseMeldeverfahren

Also, you can download it from here.