IBS Budapest

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The IBS Story

From a school that was founded in 1991 as the first private higher education college in Central Europe, International Business School has grown into a truly modern and dynamic business school.

It is an attractive place to learn and teach because of our collaborative culture – a blend of academic rigor, cooperative teamwork, entrepreneurship, diversity and continuous innovation. The academic experience we offer is providing our students from over 100 countries of the world not only with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, but skills and networking opportunities that bring lifelong competitive advantages.

Vision and mission

Our vision is to be a regionally acknowledged, multiply accredited, multi-country provider of higher education services for a highly international and mobile student body, interested in the frontier areas of business and management.

Our mission is to provide economically and culturally relevant, English-language business and management-related education to people who can benefit from it. We are demand-led and customer-focused. We enhance learning, build confidence and create opportunity for all who choose to invest in studying at our school. We value:

  • creativity and innovation in the pursuit of excellence,
  • the potential of every person,
  • the expertise and commitment of our staff,
  • partnership and forming strong, enduring collaborations where we can achieve more by working with others rather than alone,
  • quality and we continually enhance our quality assurance processes.


IBS opened its gates in 1991 welcoming students who wished to study business in English. The founders of the school had long term plans and thus they moved the college (practically run in some rented rooms of an office block) from Kelenföldi railway station to the second district, one of the most beautiful districts of Buda. In 2014, IBS moved to the north of Budapest and is now offering a real campus experience with 3 brand new buildings in a business enviroment. The completely renovated, reshaped and well-equipped buildings in Graphisoft Park – with the Residence Hall in its close vicinity – is a perfect place for studies as well as recreation with its riverside setting and garden.

Following a successful institutional accreditation in 1997, IBS became a recognized private college in Hungary, with the right to issue Hungarian college degrees (called Bachelor's degrees today) besides the English degrees.

Owing to the continuous and systematic development process, by now IBS runs twelve Bachelor's, five Master's, one MBA and PhD programmes in addition to the single programme (BA in Business Studies) available in 1991.

The first degrees were awarded in 1995; the number of IBS graduates by 2012 is over 3300.

Our graduates can be found in almost every country in the world, which provides enormous networking possibilities. To maintain this ‘human’ capital IBS treats its Alumni community as top priority, and organizes monthly Alumni Evenings. We are proud that every third graduate is an Alumni member, which is a very high rate considering that almost 50% of the students come from abroad.

Important dates


2021 Cooperation with Dublin Business School
2020 'MSc in IT for Business Data Analytics' programme
2018 MBA programme
2017 MSc by Research programmes and DPhil programmes
2016 25th birthday of IBS
2014 Brand new Budapest campus in Graphisoft Park
2013 MSc programmes in Vienna, Austria
2013 New programme portfolio, incl. 8 new BSc programmes
2012 Cooperation agreement with The University of Buckingham
2012 'Superbrands' title in Hungary
2011 'Superbrands' title in Hungary
2010 'Superbrands' title in Hungary
2010 Accreditation by the British Accreditation Council
2009, 2010, 2011 ’Excellent business school with 3 palms’ prize in the business school ranking by Eduniversal
2008 ’MSc in Marketing Management’ programme
2007 ’BA in Arts Management’ programme
2007 Exam centre for the Examination Board of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2006 ’MSc in Financial Management’ programme
2004 ’MSc in International Business’ programme
2004 'BA in International Business Relations’ programme
2003 Accreditation by the Adult Training Accreditation Body
2000 ’BA in Finance and Accounting’ programme
1997 Cooperation agreement with the International Advertising Association
1997 Accreditation by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee
1991 ’BA in Business Studies’ course
1991 Cooperation agreement with our first British partner, Oxford Brookes University