IBS Budapest

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Working in Austria


IBS students hold a Pupil Permit (Residence Permit – Pupil “Aufenthaltsbewilligung Schüler”) but, in terms of employment, they enjoy the same status as a Student Permit holder (Residence Permit – Student (“Aufenthaltsbewilligung Student”) while they are still studying.

What this means:

- IBS students with the Schüler permit can work up to 20 hours per week during their studies

- above this limit conducting a Labor Market Check* (Ersatzkraftverfahren) will be necessary

- student with Schüler permit first needs to apply for a job, if selected, the employer will apply for a work permit (Beschäftigungsbewilligung) at the Austrian Public Employment Service (Arbeitsmarktservice - AMS) for them, which will allow for employment during their studies

- the process takes up to 6 weeks

- the first and foremost purpose of the Schüler’s stay in Austria is to pursue studies. Therefore, the Austrian Immigration and Residence Authority requires that studies should always have priority over work

- the residence permit is bound to the Schüler’s successful studies and so they are expected to earn a minimum of 16 ECTS points per year

*Labor Market Check: checking by AMS whether there are other, equally qualified job seekers on the Austrian labor market who are looking for jobs (registered as unemployed) and who could potentially qualify for the position. This checking prolongs the pre-employment process by several weeks.


The Pupil/Schüler Permit can no longer be prolonged after IBS students finish their studies. Therefore, if student wants to stay and work in Austria, s/he will need to change their permit to another work and residence permit (e.g., Red-White-Red- card) before the pupil permit expires.

Step-by-step process :

- student applies for potential jobs, when selected, they can refer the employer to Austrian Business Agency (ABA) for further information and help during the process to get a RWR-card

- ABA provides free-of-charge assistance to employer and students, who would like to work in Austria. ABA provides information on the application procedure, the requirements for the different types of RWR cards, guidance on necessary documents, etc. All communication is done via email.

- there are various RWR card types:

The ’RWR Card for Graduatescannot be requested by IBS graduates (this grants the widest range of options and this is the easiest to get).

The types that IBS graduates can apply for are the following:

  1. RWR Card for Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations
  2. RWR Card Other Key Workers
  3. RWR Card for Very Highly Qualified Workers
  4. EU Blue Card

- The application process for RWR cards involves a points-based system and takes up to 8 weeks.

- Labor Market Check is necessary for RWR Card Other Key Workers and EU Blue Card.

- ABA will advise on how best to prepare the application documents (process copy of graduation, application form).

- Once the permit has been issued, it is bound to the particular position for which the student has been hired.